Posts Tagged ‘roland tattoo’

I just got back from the Berlin tattoo convention and have to admit that it was a life changing experience. Never have I witnessed so much talent and appreciation at a tattoo show.

I hope to convey some of that in the newest episode of Tattoo Nomad, which is now up on my Youtube channel.

Check it out and let me know what you think.




Hey, hey! We leave for New Zealand on Tuesday to film episode 2 of Tattoo Nomad!!!
We have crammed a ton of stuff into this trip and are going to take full advantage of the two week schedule to get as much content as we can into this episode. I can’t express how much I am looking forward to this trip because I have always wanted to visit since I was a kid.
I will be in Wellington from November 20-24th and will be tattooing during this time at the National Tattoo Museum of New Zealand. Please contact them
if you would like to book some tattoo time.
Stay tuned to my FB page for the usual photo dumps of hi-jinx and adventure!TN_NZ
Thank you for looking! Please share!